If you follow me on social media or my website, you may have noticed I missed a blog or two. My explanation - life. My family went on vacation the end of August, where we celebrated the engagement of our youngest son and his beautiful bride to be. We also celebrated a couple birthdays and got to witness the first movements of crawling done by our adorable first grandson. It was an amazing trip and we didn't want it to end. After riding the high of vacation, we hit an all time low the week after when we found out my sister in law has terminal cancer. This was a shock to the family and certainly set us all in a tail spin. With her living out of state, there was so much to do and so little time. We've been in a tailspin ever since. Here are some things I learned when you're in a chaotic state:
Breathe. There's no need to get caught up in the chaotic energy that surrounds you. Taking on other people's negative energy can cause you to think unclearly, make irrational decisions and feel like you have to fix the issue on your own.
Be present. It's easy to be in the midst of tragedy and miss the blessings along the way. Put the electronics away, be free of distraction and simply be present. Being present gains clarity and resolve to any situation.
Acknowledge your feelings. Being authentic with yourself in tumultuous times is a necessity.
Be self aware. When in a crisis, it's imperative to recognize where you are mentally, emotionally and spiritually. What is it YOU need in the moment to help best serve those around you. You will most certainly be a better person for those who need you if you tend to your own needs as well. This isn't selfish, it's actually selfless.
Life happens and anyone who consistently tells you "life is good" isn't being honest. It's all perspective and how we choose to deal with situations as they arise is what makes the difference. What tools do you have in your toolbox to get you through a crisis?
Change is hard! What if you had a strategy, personalized to meet your needs and fit your lifestyle, from a trained healthcare expert who's been where you are and who will empower you to become all you want to be? NOW, that would be EASY. Click here to schedule your free discovery call.